Going live with WooCommerce

To update your plugin for processing payments in a live environment, follow these steps:

It is strongly recommended that you test your solution on your staging store before proceeding to accept live payments on your production store. Performing test transactions in the sandbox provides you with opportunities to identify and resolve problems in a safe environment and failure to do so presents risks to the ongoing reliability of your integration.


To install the plugin on your production store, please adhere to the guidelines outlined in the “Getting Started” article. After installation, you’ll need to replicate the configuration steps previously undertaken, while also paying special attention to the critical exceptions highlighted below:

  • Test Mode
    Make sure to leave this checkbox unchecked in order to deactivate test mode.
  • API Credentials
    You’ll be required to input your live credentials here. If you’re uncertain about what value to enter, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Support Team for guidance.

Please adhere closely to the instructions provided above. Neglecting to do so may result in transactions being processed in the test environment, with no actual funds being transferred.

Select “Save Settings” at the bottom of the page when done to confirm your settings.

Live testing

Once you have switched to your live site reference, we recommend that you test this by performing a transaction using a live card, to ensure it is processed successfully.

You can verify that the configuration is no longer running in test mode by checking the following place : Navigate to Settings > RuckPay. Select Mode as “Live”.

If you are processing e-commerce transactions, the checkout will no longer display “Payment Test Mode Enabled” at the top.

Please check the order was successful by navigating to WooCommerce > Orders and checking the Status is “Completed”. If not, this could indicate an issue with the Webservices details entered in the settings.